A Commitment To Help
After spending thousands of hours training to become a certified yoga teacher, Feldenkrais ® practitioner and Child’Space practitioner, my journey led me to develop the Move2Live Method, which focuses on cultivating better body mechanics (self-organization) and flexible breathing by teaching you to pay attention to how you do what you do. It attempts to integrate yoga’s mindfulness and precision with Feldenkrais’ powerful way of retraining the brain through movement and supportive touch. By learning to attend to your whole self, you’ll re-educate your body & brain to move easily without pain. From preemies to centenarians, I offer customized solutions drawn from all these disciplines. Together we will explore what works best for you so you can be your best, most potent and pain-free self.
Practitioner & Teacher Certifications
- Certified Child’Space Practitioner, 2014
- Feldenkrais Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, 2012
- Certified Yoga Tune Up® Teacher, 2008
- Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, (E-RYT 500 hours) 1998
Advanced Feldenkrais Training
- Recovering from Trauma:
Emotional Integration & Interpersonal Neurobiology
2016, with Donna Ray - Bones For Life Training
2015-16, with Anastasi Siotas - Bridging the Feldenkrais Method & Physical Therapy
2015-16, with Marek Wysznski - Movement Intelligence: Solutions for Optimal Mobility
2015-16, with Ruthy Alon - Advanced Mentoring
2015, with David Zemach-Bersin - Pelvic Floor Training
2013, with Deborah Bowes - Scoliosis Training
2014, with David Zemach-Bersin
Advanced Yoga Training Advanced
- Asana Studies
2005-2009, with Glenn Black - Body Language 200-hour Kinesis Training
2008, with Tom Myers - Yin Yoga & Insight Meditation Training
2008, with Sarah Powers - Anatomy Trains Myofascial Meridians Training
2006, with Tom Myers - Intrinsic Muscles of the Pelvis Training
2006, with Tom Myers - Asana & Meditation studies
2006, with Erich Schiffmann - Human Dissection Workshop
2004, with Gil Hedley - Anatomy of the Breath 100-hour Training
2003-04, with Leslie Kaminoff - Yoga of the Heart, Cardiac and Cancer Care Certificate
2004, with Nischala Joy Devi - Radiant Child Yoga Certificate
2003, with Shakta Kaur Khalsa - Relax and Renew Teacher Training
2002, with Judith Lasater - Therapeutic Yoga Certificate
2001, with Charles and Lisa Matkin