Therapeutic Yoga
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between therapeutic yoga and regular yoga?
Yoga utilizes a wide range of postures to enhance flexibility, strength and balance, whereas therapeutic yoga focuses on helping those with physical ailments—from back and neck pain to cancer and heart and pulmonary disease—by carefully identifying and teaching specific poses to relieve physical discomfort and stress. The Move2Live approach uses gentle hands-on adjustments, healing imagery and meditation. We emphasize flexible breathing through exercises that help you relax, expand your breath capacity and relieve pain. With diaphragmatic breathing, you will require less energy, helping to shift your nervous system into a “parasympathetic” state of calm.
Do I need to know any yoga to benefit from therapeutic yoga?
No. Therapeutic yoga can help anyone through the guidance and support of a yoga teacher, well versed in anatomy and muscular skeletal issues. For details of Suzanne’s specific certifications and trainings, see Credentials.
Is therapeutic yoga taught in a class setting or privately?
Move2Live offers both small therapeutic classes and private sessions.
How can therapeutic yoga help me?
Therapeutic yoga works to reduce emotional anxiety and physical discomfort by enhancing both flexibility and strength, developing cardiovascular endurance and improving pulmonary function. Research has shown that it can significantly reduce depression, improve mood and sleep patterns and help decrease heart rate and blood pressure by stimulating the vagus nerve directly. Therapeutic yoga can help significantly reduce chronic pain due to repetitive overuse injuries and other health ailments. Move2Live therapeutic yoga classes and sessions will help improve your posture and your regular yoga practice. You will learn how to cope with current injuries and how to practice yoga safely and pleasurably for the rest of your life.
Will this interfere with any other medical treatment I’m receiving?
Therapeutic yoga can complement physical therapy and other treatment modalities. But if you have a serious medical issue, please first check with your doctor.
What are the costs?
Classes range from $20-$25. Workshops run from 2 – 3 hours and range in cost from about $50-$75. Private sessions start at $135 to $200, depending on location. An initial consultation is $150. Packages for multiple sessions are available.